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The Wry Pastor - IDGTC - Easily Fooled

Colossians 2:4-5

I started reading Colossians earlier this year which began a train of thought about how improper theology, taught or left out of young people’s purview, could be a detriment to those who are new to the Christian faith or to those who are seasoned in the Christian faith. My thoughts turned to a video of a Satanist who was approached by a Christian evangelist and Kanye West; both people were left disillusioned because God appeared to not answer their prayers and they had major crisis in faith due to what they felt was the absence of God.

These two experiences happen to be echoed in many people’s experiences, but there are those, who are like me, who came back to faith or whose faith was strengthened, even through adversity. I had to seek out theology to understand the terms that would later shape what I understood about God, sovereignty, will, and suffering, but I had to seek it out.

My hope is that you, as a person looking to understand what you believe about God, would also seek out God and pursue Him diligently to make sure that your understanding, especially in adversity is robust enough to weather life’s terrible situations.

Please take some time to listen and then shoot me questions that you may have that you’ve suffered through or brushed aside because you felt like questioning your faith was a sin or wrong. It isn’t bad to question your faith; what is bad is abandoning it due to circumstance or issues that you’ve encountered within the church. God is way bigger than that, but we have to seek out answers in the darkest places, even in pain.

God bless you and I look forward to speaking with you.

The Wry Pastor

Biblical References:
Galatians 1:6:10
Galatians 5:7-12
Ephesians 5:6-17
2 Thessalonians 2:3
2 Peter 3:7
Luke 8:4-15
2 Timothy 3:1-9
2 Peter 2:1-3
Proverbs 3:5-6

Zoroastrianism - 2 god theology (good god/bad god)
Deism - :god winding the clock and not interacting with humanity” theology

Knowledge of the Holy, pdf

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