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The Wry Pastor - IDGTC - Life Lesson, Learned Behaviors, and Legacy

Judges 9, part 1

There reality that behaviors can be learned for good or for bad, I believe, is displayed in the man Abimelech. When reading his story, you can see that certain behaviors and traits were mimicked by Abimelech from his father Gideon; these traits prove to be disastrous not only to him, but for his whole family.

On this Mother’s Day, my hope is that you will take seriously the impact that you have on your children and their children; parenting is extremely difficult and to be in the role of mom or dad for any child is no cake-walk. Be discerning and humble on how you lead or show examples of your traits to your offspring; there may be lessons that come to surface that you know need to be cleaned up so that the example you provide is better and long lasting in a positive and Godly direction.

God bless you all! Have a great day.

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:
Exodus 12:21-23
Judges 7:18
Judges 8:16-17
Judges 8:22-30
1 Samuel 8:4-5
Hebrews 12:18-21

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